6 Reasons to Stay Far, Far Away from Homeschool Conventions

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I’ve been reading lots of posts lately about why you should attend a homeschool convention, but I’m thinking maybe there are reasons you should stay far, far away from homeschool conventions. I came up with six of them.

6 Reasons to Stay Far, Far Away from Homeschool Conventions

1. You can just look for stuff online. I mean, really, who wants to be around all those brand-new books, just right there where you can touch them, look through them, read a little bit, and ask questions of the publishers or authors? Who needs all that when you can just look at some sample pages online and post a random question on Facebook, just hoping that someone might answer it?

2. You don’t have to be around all those homeschooling families. Who ever thought a homeschool convention would be a good idea? Securing a huge facility where hundreds of homeschooling families can mingle and talk right there in person? Don’t they know we’re all weird and unsocialized?

3. You don’t have to listen to all those speakers. Who needs the refreshment, encouragement, and validation that those speakers can provide? We can do this on our own, right? None of us homeschooling moms have ever felt doubt or discouragement. And the comedians? Do homeschooling families really have a sense of humor? Whatever.

4. You don’t have to go away for the weekend. Do these convention organizers really think homeschool moms would enjoy a weekend away with their girlfriends, their spouses, or, Heaven forbid, all alone? We love being with our kids all. the. time. Especially when we’re in the bathroom and they’re outside banging on the door trying to talk to us or get us to referee a sibling disagreement. And, hiding in the closet trying to have a phone conversation with a friend is way better than talking to her in person. Out in public. Over a cup of coffee.

5. You don’t have to spend time with the authors and vendors of your favorite homeschool curriculum or the curriculum you’re considering it. Why would you ever want to talk to the person who invested their heart and soul and so much of their time into the homeschool curriculum you’re using or considering? You don’t need to understand the thought process behind it, why it’s organized the way it is, or what teaching philosophy guides it. Just use it and hope for the best.

6. You don’t have to worry about encouraging someone else. If you don’t go to a homeschool convention, you don’t have to worry about running into a friend or striking up a conversation with a stranger who might need the reassurance and encouragement you can offer. Nope. Stay home and keep all that to yourself. Being a hermit is a lot more fun.


Of course, if none of that bothers you, you’re welcome to go to a homeschool convention. You might even consider any one of the Great Homeschool Conventions locations. There are three of them in 2014. Find one near you!

GHC Registration

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Kris Bales is a newly-retired homeschool mom and the quirky, Christ-following, painfully honest founder (and former owner) of Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers. She has a pretty serious addiction to sweet tea and Words with Friends. Kris and her husband of over 30 years are parents to three amazing homeschool grads. They share their home with three dogs, two cats, a ball python, a bearded dragon, and seven birds.

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  1. I’ve been homeschooling for five years and have never been to a convention, but I would love to. I wish there were some close to me. It’s too hard to find a sitter for so many little ones.

  2. Great list! You had me laughing out loud. I’d love to go to a ghc convention but, living in Canada, it’s a bit too far away! Thankfully we have a great one-day conference locally – Dr. Wile is our keynote speaker this year so I’m looking forward to that!

  3. Too funny! I am already registered and working on finding a grandparent to keep our son for us…so excited! I particularly enjoyed reason number 2.

  4. Do you think that non-religious homeschoolers would enjoy these conventions? It’s hard to tell much about them from the website, but there does seem to be a strong faith aspect to much of what I can see. I am all about teaching great material and values but not the faith part. Thanks!

    1. Many conventions have a “statement of faith” and request that vendors not bring material that conflicts with that statement. If you’re a non-religious homeschooler at a religious convention, then you may find religiously-neutral material (i.e. a math textbook that isn’t from a Christian – or any particular religion’s – perspective), but you won’t find SECULAR material (e.g. science books discussing evolution).

      If there is a convention near you, then I would suggest checking it out! Worst case scenario you wasted a little time on a weekend, but you may find something (or a lot of somethings) perfect for you!

  5. That is too funny! I have not ventured to a single one in the almost 4 years we have homeschooled. I am dangerous enough at home, online with a credit card, looking at curriculum! I love it all. I LOVE IT ALLLLLLL.
    God Bless.
    From Stacey

  6. Oh, how I would love to attend a convention! Unfortunately, for this season of life, we are living in Germany and can’t justify the expense to get back across the ocean. 🙁 I’ll have to live vicariously through you.

  7. Your list had me totally grinning! And your disclaimer made me LOL. Thanks for hosting the Weekly Wrap Up. I started my WWU posts because of your blog, and I’m really glad I have them to look back on now. It helps me realize that we ARE doing something around here. (Not as much as I would have liked this week, but *something* nonetheless.)

  8. We enjoy attending homeschool conventions just about every year, we like the state sponsored ones as that helps to fund each states homeschool group. Lots of fun and there is NOTHING like touching all the books and seeing them first hand before buying. We have found some great books and some great helps along the way. We always give our son $25-$50 to spend on materials that he finds. This was very helpful in the area of writing and science, he picked what he wanted and it stopped the crying and fussing in those areas…lol. How many boys really like to write? Let them pick out a writing program and they will take off.

  9. Love those homeschool conventions!! I’m already signed up. There’s one in my city and the BIG one in my state. Can’t wait!!!! Truth is… Its my time to getaway:)!

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