Weekly Wrap-Up: The One with the Movie and the Japanese Food
Happy Friday! Ah, it is a gorgeous spring day here in the South. With the exception of Monday, which was rainy, it’s been a beautiful spring week. I’m trying to make sure I enjoy it because spring tends to be a short season in the South. It’s kind of like: winter, spring, winter encore, spring, winter encore, spring, summer. All of which tends to take place over the course of a month or so.
You may or may not know, but I am very much a creature of habit. I thrive on routine and don’t like change. So, even though the start to our week was lots of fun, my schedule was totally thrown off and Monday, making my whole day out of whack. It started Sunday night with the whole family attending a late showing of Captain America.
Brian, Brianna, and Megan love movies and go all the time – literally, they go to see a movie at least once a week. Often two or three times. It’s a perk of having a kid employed at the theater. Josh and I don’t care about movies as much and don’t go unless there is something we really want to see, so it’s very rare for all of us to go to a movie together, but we all wanted to see Captain America.
If you know me, it doesn’t seem like my kind of movie, but I like all the Avenger ones – Thor, Iron Man, Captain America. I have no idea why because I know me and those don’t strike me as something I’d be interested in.
Then, on Monday, we went on our annual family trip to the Japanese steakhouse – something else we all really enjoy. We’d go more often, but it makes Brian break out in hives to spend that much money on one meal. Okay, not literally. But almost.
(Sorry for the fuzzy Instagram photos in this post. I love my Android all except for the photos. I think my next smartphone will be an iPhone just for the camera – the only thing I don’t like about my Android.)
Our chef was very entertaining. I think it was probably because there was a little girl there. Either that or he’d been into the sake before we got there. It could have been that.
We came home and got school done in record time. Maybe I should take the kids out for lunch more often. They were very motivated to get finished with school and have some free time.
We’re in our last week before a week break, so we’ve spent time finishing up our history unit and reviewing science. I really, really wanted to finish chapter 6 in our science book since it’s the last chapter in the unit on cells. Finishing the first unit before our break would have tied things up so nicely, but it was clear after the kids’ quiz last week that we needed to spend some time on review.
They’ve actually really enjoyed the review week and things seem to be sticking better this time. And, of course, we had to review with another cell cake. We probably could have done something besides a cake this time around, but even Josh was enthusiastic about making another cell cake. I think it had more to do with the gummy worms than with science, but I’ll take what I can get.
Next week is the calm before the storm for this introverted homebody. I started to go ahead and do school, then, take off the following week since we’re about to get so busy. However, I decided that I need the off week for my sanity – and appointments. I’m going to get an eye exam (and hope my new glasses get back quickly) and a hair cut before the traveling begins.
I’ll be at Great Homeschool Conventions in Cincinnati for Geography Matters April 24-26. I hope you’ll stop by the booth and introduce yourself if you’re there. If you’ve never used it, I’ll be happy to introduce you to our favorite curriculum, Trail Guide to Learning while you’re there.
Then, the following weekend – yes, this homebody will be traveling back-to-back weekends – I’ll be at the 2:1 Conference in Chicago. Will you be there? I’d love to meet you!
Two weeks after that, I’ll be graduating my first homeschool student. {sigh} Then, I think, two weeks after that, I’ll be traveling to another homeschool convention. I’ll let you know which one when my plans are definite. Yeah, I think I might be ready for June already.
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Kris Bales is a newly-retired homeschool mom and the quirky, Christ-following, painfully honest founder (and former owner) of Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers. She has a pretty serious addiction to sweet tea and Words with Friends. Kris and her husband of over 30 years are parents to three amazing homeschool grads. They share their home with three dogs, two cats, a ball python, a bearded dragon, and seven birds.
I do wish I could come and meet you at one of the conferences. I am slightly in awe of you spending a couple of weeks away. I’ve just spent three days away from home on a wonderful church weekend. I had a lovely time, but it is so good to be home in relative peace and quiet!
We’ve started rewatching Bones. I don’t know if you’ve seen it, but I think you might enjoy it (not as good as Castle, though and if you’re at all squeamish about rotting flesh I wouldn’t recommend it!)
Hope you have a lovely weekend.
Okay, get comfy and get yourself a little something to sip on. This may be my longest comment reply ever. Ready?
I love Bones! You’re right, it’s not as good as Castle, but still very good. I discovered Bones and Castle at the same time – the day I spent 15 hours at the hospital waiting on my niece to decide to arrive. My brother-in-law had the TV in the room on the channel that shows Bones and Castle re-runs – 3 hours of Bones, followed by 4 hours of Castle.
My niece arrived during the Castle hours, so I got to watch more of Bones and thought I liked it better at first. I bought Seasons 1 and 2 after Christmas as my new treadmill entertainment, replacing (at least for awhile) Friends. Later, I found Seasons 3, 5 and 6 at a local used bookstore. I got Brian hooked on Castle during re-runs one night. He loved it, so we got Seasons 3, 4, and 5 on DVD to start with.
After we finished Castle, I got Brian to start watching Bones with me, so we started on Season 5 together. Now, I’m all kinds of mixed up. I’m on Season 3 during my treadmill time and Season 6 with Brian. And, I watch whatever is on the re-runs during the day when I have time. They start with one Season and go through in order, but they go through them so quickly with 3 a day, 5 days a week that there is never any telling where they are. My whole Bones-watching experience is really a convoluted mess, but I love it.
We could so hang out, you and I. How do you feel about Friends? 🙂
Laughing, literally out loud – husband has just asked what’s tickling me! The whole of my 20’s were spent watching Friends. Even now re watching them is like meeting up with old friends!
Yeah, we have got to meet up one day – of course we’d probably never get past the ‘so, what are we gonna watch?’ question. We’d be too busy sharing all our old favourite DVDs to actually converse meaningfully about, y’know, important stuff!!
Okay, I know England is a big place, but if I ever get there, we have to meet – same if you ever make it over here. It will be like meeting a long-lost sister. 🙂
You are so on!
LOL at your “spring”. I’m loving the blossom here in England, and being able to do 2 dog walks this week without a coat – yay! Enjoy your relaxation before the convention season begins. Thanks for hosting.
Wow, first one out. That is going to feel very strange for me. I rely on my oldest in many ways! We have never taken our crew out to the Hibachi due to the cost, so my hubby would fully understand yours 🙂 Our whole family loves the Avenger series. I have found over the years that my girly flick desires are morphing to a good action film with balance. Have a great weekend!!
I think that’s why I like the Avenger stuff – it’s not all action, action, action. There are relationships and humor.
WHAT? Graduating?? oh dear, that really happens???
Yeah. 🙁
Graduating a kid, wow…that seems SO far off for me, but I’m sure it’ll be sooner than I think. I’m excited for you and her!!
I had to smile because I love the Avengers/Marvel Universe movies, too, and they are very atypical for me. I am a horrible movie watcher; just don’t wanna do it. We all saw Captain America this week, too, and loved it.
I can understand your “just don’t wanna” comment. I feel like there are so many other things I could be doing with those two hours.
You are headed into a busy, busy time. I would love to be able to go to the 2:1 conference. Maybe next year. I’m going to really work to plan it!
This is Mama Squirrel at Dewey’s Treehouse. Could I include this post as part of this week’s Carnival of Homeschooling? Thanks! (I will check back later.)
Did you mean to leave this comment on the Weekly Wrap-Up post or were you thinking of a different post? The Weekly Wrap-Up is just kind of a catching-up with my readers post and not the sort of article I would typically submit to a carnival, so I would prefer you not use it for that. Thanks for asking though.
I liked the eclectic vibe of the post, but I won’t use it if you would rather not. Is there one you would prefer?
I hadn’t really considered it. I have a hard time remembering to submit posts in time. 🙂 You’re welcome to use another post if one appeals to you. The Weekly Wrap-Up post just feels odd to me since I kind of consider it just catching up with friends at the end of the week. That, plus the fact that including a link-up post in other link-up or carnival is sometimes frowned upon.