Weekly Wrap-Up: The One Where Our First Break Week Sped By

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Weekly Wrap-Up

I can’t believe it’s another Friday already. It’s the whole space-time continuum thing when it’s a break week. I think it goes even faster when your spouse takes the week off with you.

I’m not even sure what we did Monday. That’s too far in the distant past. Tuesday was fun, though. We met some friends from our homeschool group for an afternoon of bowling and laser tag. Then, Tuesday evening, it was Mom’s Night Out for the ladies in our group. It’s always so refreshing to get together with a group of homeschooling moms.

After Wednesday, when I got some work-at-home stuff  and some housecleaning done, I finally felt caught up enough to enjoy our break week a bit. It’s become very clear to me that I need to work on my time management skills.

The last two mornings in a row, my cats seems to have developed a nasty habit that I hope isn’t going to last long. They start about 7 a.m., standing at our bedroom door meowing and digging at the door to get in.

Brian usually feeds them before he goes to work and he’s been off all week. I’m hoping that’s all it is. Unfortunately, getting up and feeding them hasn’t seemed to solve the problem. As soon as they eat, they’re back at the door.

A squirt of cold water from a spray bottle seemed to be fairly effective this morning, though. {evil grin}

I’m hoping that our second six weeks of school goes as well as the first. We really need to make it a point to get an earlier start each day. I’ve got two more things to add to our schedule for the upcoming six weeks to get us at a full load. I’ve gotta tell you, it already felt pretty full to me the last six week.

Time management. I’ve got to learn better time management.

Tomorrow is Brian’s and my wedding anniversary – I can’t believe we’ve been married 22 years. That really makes me feel rather old.


Before I head off to enjoy what’s left of my break week, I want to remind you not to miss your chance to pick up the 2013 Omnibus, a collection of over 90 eBooks on topics such as homeschooling, marriage, and parenting. It includes nearly $600 worth of books for only $25, but it’s only available until Sunday, August 25, 11:59 p.m. (ET).

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  1. Happy anniversary to you (both), happy anniversary to you (both), happy anniversary to both of you….happy anniversary to you (both)! (insert very off key rendition to the tune of happy birthday)
    I smiled as I literally pictured you with an evil grin as I was reading. Poor kittycats!!

  2. Happy Anniversary for tomorrow, Kris! I hope you have a wonderful day.

    I sympathise about the cats. We’ve got a 10 week old puppy who woke us whining at 2am and 7am last night … lovely!

    Thanks, as ever, for hosting the link-up.

    1. Thank you for the anniversary wishes. I feel for you with the puppy. That’s like having a new baby in the house. What’s so weird about the cats is, we’ve had them for 9 months and they’ve just started doing this. It’s only been the last two days, so I hope it’s just a fluke.

  3. After we took in a stray and she had 4 kittens we had cats literally jumping up on every surface including the stove, table, and counter tops. A Squirt bottle worked wonders, then we went away for a couple of days and had to start all over again when we got back! Little kitty foot prints were everywhere!

  4. Ahh, kitties! We’ve certainly been there. I hope you’ve had a wonderful anniversary!
    Thanks for hosting the Weekly Wrap Up! Have a great week.

  5. Ah, the joys of kitties… 🙂 We had somewhat the same issue. I won’t say I never thought of the spray bottle but we never did it. My poor dd lost a lot of sleep until the cat got out of the habit of scratching at the doors. {It’s *mostly* her cat so we make her ‘deal’ with the cat a lot of the time lol}

    Ah, time management- my nemesis. I’d love to hear how you deal with this issue. Perhaps a blog post, eh? 🙂

    Hope you have a great weekend and coming week!

    1. If I ever figure out how to deal with the time management issue, I’ll definitely consider making a blog post of it. Right now, I’m just struggling to keep my head above water.

  6. It’s become really clear to me lately that I need to work on my time management skills also – seriously. It’s hard work!! I’m sure I’m going to have to alter or cut a lot of habits to get a better system going. Sigh.

    (Aren’t water bottles great?) 😉

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