Whenever I visit someone’s weight-loss blog, the first thing I look for are before and after pictures. I guess I need to see the proof before I start worrying too much about how they did what they say they did.

I wanted to make it easy for visitors to my blog to do the same, so I thought I’d put all my before and after shots on one page to make them easier to find. You can also find them by clicking the “changes” under “post topics” in the sidebar or you can read this post.

I really wish I’d taken more pictures along the way. There really aren’t many before pictures because when I started I didn’t really think I would succeed. I really only started so that I could prove that I couldn’t do this so that I could quit feeling guilty for not doing it.

Once I started succeeding, I kept having my daughter take new profile photos for my blog, but not many full-length photos. All that to say, when you start your journey, take good photos for when you do succeed. You’ll be glad you did.

The photo below was my profile photo for a long time. It was taken in December of 2008.  The hands under the chin? That was an effort to hide the roll of fat hanging there.

December 2008

The next photo is a shot of my family and I taken at Disney in September of 2009, so it’s the closest I’ve got to a real, full-length before photo. I’m not sure if I’d reached my topped out weight of 220 lbs. at that time, but I was close. That’s me in the blue-and-white striped shirt trying to hide behind my daughter.



Here I am:


My first “after” photo, Winter 2010, 35 pounds lost:


April 2010, somewhere between 35 and 50 pounds lost:


The same day, but in the pants I was wearing when I started my weight-loss journey:


May 2010, 50 pounds lost:

In the next photo I’m wearing the same outfit in the before and after. You can see what a huge difference 50 pounds makes:


July 2010, around 60 pounds lost:

avatar photo 3

November 2010, before and after shots in celebration of reaching the 1 year mark:

Before & After Nov. 2010

Fat jeans

The weight-loss has slowed since then, so my most recent avatar picture is still pretty accurate. I’ve currently lost just over 74 pounds.

Kris 3.18.11

I hit another big milestone on my birthday, June 7, 2011 — 75 pounds lost! It was technically 76.8. Woo hoo! Just over 18 pounds to go until I hit my goal weight.

75 pounds

October 2011, around 88 pounds lost:

Kris and Brian_thumb[5]

My two-year weight-loss anniversary.

Two Years