Lordy, Lordy, Look Who’s 40

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It’s finally here, my fortieth birthday.  While, on the one hand, I can’t believe I’m 40, on the other hand, I feel better, physically and emotionally, than I did at 30.  As much as 40 sounded really old as it approached, I find that I don’t really feel bad about it today.  To quote a line from my favorite movie, New Moon, “Age is just a number, baby.”

Age is just a number, and I’m determined to make the most of my fourth decade.  I’m going to lose that last 45 pounds so that I can fully enjoy my family and my life.  I’m going to embrace the blessings that God has bestowed on me:  my incredible family, my health, my life.  I am totally and completely going to enjoy this next decade, by the grace of God.

My fabulous friend, Jolanthe, suggested that I enjoy my last day of being 39 yesterday and that’s exactly what I did.  My family and I took a drive to a beautiful river about an hour away where people enjoy hiking trails and white water rafting…and where some people enjoy trying out their new cameras.

I got some great (for me) photos that I wanted to share.  All of these are straight out of the camera because I don’t have any photo editing software yet and, even if I did, I wouldn’t know how to use it.  I was very pleased with the quality of the pictures, though, and that I was able to figure out how to do one thing that I’ve wanted to do — have my subject in focus with a blurred background.


My blurry background photos:

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I got some great photos of my crew.  The picture of Megan is one of the best I’ve gotten in a long time.


And, of course, what’s a day walking around in the woods, for me, without photos of mushrooms? I found some really unusual ones yesterday.


All in all, it was a great day…and a fun way to spend my last day being 39.

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Kris Bales is a newly-retired homeschool mom and the quirky, Christ-following, painfully honest founder (and former owner) of Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers. She has a pretty serious addiction to sweet tea and Words with Friends. Kris and her husband of over 30 years are parents to three amazing homeschool grads. They share their home with three dogs, two cats, a ball python, a bearded dragon, and seven birds.

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  1. Happy birthday! What a great milestone post, too! Beautiful pics from your trip!

    Stopping by via Mingle Monday!

  2. Happy Birthday! I'll be turning 40 next year and how true that age is a number because I feel happier and healthier than when I was 30! I guess it's the wisdom that comes with age?

  3. I'm actually enjoying my fourth decade (I'm 42). I know you will, too! Loved the mushroom photos.

    Happy Birthday!

  4. Welcome to the "40 and Fabulous" Club. Let me tell you, it was much harder preparing to enter, than the actual innauguraion. Now, that I'm a vested member (for little more than a month), I can even admit that I like it.

    Have a happy birthday! Enjoy your day!

  5. Today is my hubby's 40th birthday also!! I guess only fabulous people were born that day. 🙂

    Have a VERY happy birthday.

  6. Happy Birthday!! And your pictures turned out GREAT right out of the camera! My husband has taken up photography and he's gradually becoming more serious about it. He started with landscapes and things and now is doing senior pictures for a few kids in our youth group. It just takes practice (and find tutorials on YouTube for your camera.) It sounds like you had a nice day-before-your-birthday, and I hope your birthday turns out just as nice.

  7. Happy Birthday! I loved my first blurry background photo a few months ago! My thirtieth scared me, but ended up being my best. I decided to love myself enough to lose the weight as well. I am at goal for weight on my end, and 31 is cool!

  8. Happy Birthday! I so enjoyed visiting your Eclipsed blog this weekend, it gave me a lot of motivation. Enjoy your day!

  9. Thanks to everyone for all the birthday wishes. Y'all are awesome! And, Dawn, thanks for the tip about the YouTube tutorials. I never would have thought to check there.

  10. Happy Birthday, Kris! May your 40th be the very best year ever! Remember: 40 is FABULOUS! 🙂

  11. Yeah!! So glad you enjoyed the day together!!

    And you crack me up ~ SOC..because you wouldn't know how to use it if you did have it. HA!! 🙂

  12. Happy Birthday Kris! I'm right behind you, but I don't know if I will be as graceful about it as you are.

  13. Happy Birthday!!! I'm just about a half year behind you. Glad to hear it's not so bad on the "other side". ;o)

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