Nature News: Toad Mania

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Okay, I really hope that I’m not boring y’all to death talking about our toad, but she is really incredibly interesting. (Well, she is to us, anyway.)

I came in from the curriculum fair on Saturday and glanced into her tank. I didn’t see her at first. I knew she was in there because there was nowhere she could go. I finally spotted her here:


…on top of the flowers. She sat up there for hours.

Then, tonight we were feeding her and Brian asked if she would let people touch her. I informed him that, yes, she has appeared quite tame the three or four times that the kids have gotten her out. So, he reached in to “pet” her. Imagine our complete shock when she actually leaned in to his finger to be rubbed!

We thought it might just be our imaginations, so he moved his finger over to the other side..and she leaned to that side! She did this time and time again and really seemed to enjoy being petted. The only thing that she didn’t seem to like was having her head touched.

Here is a picture of Toad enjoying being petted:


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One Comment

  1. ROFL, now that’s just too funny! Next thing you know, he’ll be rubbing up against your leg and purring if you let him out of his tank 😉

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