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Learn Robotics with Q the Robot

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When I was in 5th grade, a standard weekly spelling assignment was to write a story using all our spelling words. Apparently, I’ve always been a writer because I loved that assignment, and, y’all, I had an unparalleled talent for making any group of 10-20 spelling words about Star Wars.

I was always the first to raise my hand to read my story aloud to the class, and I paid no attention to the rude groaning of my classmates when they realized it was yet another Star Wars story.

Besides being a bit infatuated with the Han Solo/Princess Leia love story, I was enthralled with the idea of having my own R2-D2 who would follow me around, keeping me company and doing cool stuff for me. What kid doesn’t want his own personal robot?

Learn Robotics with Q the Robot

With the latest project from EEME, your kid can not only have his own robot; he can build it himself – just like kids a generation or so younger than me daydreamed about after seeing young Anakin Skywalker with a partially-assembled C-3PO.

What is Q the Robot?

Q the Robot is the first in a new line of robotics projects from EEME. He (because you can’t call a robot an it) is a light-loving, three-wheeled robot. Once complete – with no coding required – he will follow a beam of light from a flashlight or phone. (Sorry. Q hasn’t learned to co-pilot an X-wing fighter yet.)

Q likes to play with a flashlight almost as much as our dog does!

Robotics Projects for Homeschoolers

Q the Robot is intended for kids ages 10 and up. As a mom, I really loved the project because it was challenging enough for my high school boy without being complicated. (Yes, I had to let Josh do this project. I was still feeling guilty about not enlisting his help for Project Amp.)

How does the Q the Robot project work?

Like the other STEM kits from EEME, Q the Robot comes with everything you need to complete the project. (The only exception to that was a Phillip’s head screwdriver.)

Q the Robot Review

It also includes access to detailed video instructions that demonstrate how to complete the project and explain why it works. Each video is only about 5 minutes or so long, making it easy to find a stopping point if you need to put Q aside for the day.

Josh didn’t do that, though. Once he started, he wanted to finish, putting off other assignments until the following day. I’d say the entire project took 3-4 hours, but I wasn’t really paying attention to his start time.

STEM projects for homeschool

He gave the instructional videos a cursory glance, mumbling something about using directions and his “man card.” He really wanted to do the project on his own as much as possible, but he appreciated having the video instruction when he got stuck, or things didn’t operate quite as expected.

Q does come with some safety warnings that you’ll want to heed. Those wires can get hot. Just sayin’.

Who is Q the Robot for?

Q the Robot is perfect for any kid who is interested in learning more about basic robotics. The next robotics project from EEME will be an upgrade for Q and will involve a chance to learn some coding. You can learn more about the future of EEME robotics projects on the EEME blog.

Robotics projects from EEME

The project states that it’s for kids ages 10 and up. We liked that it really is for and up – Josh didn’t feel like he was working on a little kid’s project. I’d say that most kids in middle school and up could complete the project with minimal assistance, but it’s not too complicated for younger kids with an adult’s help.

Visit their site to find out more about all the EEME monthly subscription projects and their project kits. You can also follow the EEME blog or find them on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.

Which EEME projects have your kids tried?

This post is linked to the Hip Homeschool Hop.

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  1. My 12 year old daughter would love this. I always call her my future engineer because she loves building things. So far, robotics-wise, all she’s done is made a “bristle bot.” If you’ve never heard of it, you just cut off the head of a toothbrush and use double sided tape to attach a cell phone vibrator. It turns on and off simply by having the wire come in contact with a button cell battery which is also taped to it. Then it moves all around the room. She actually did a variation on it by using Shopkins instead of a toothbrush. That was pretty cute. 🙂 If that held her interest, I can only imagine how excited she’d get over this!

  2. I laughed at your Star Wars spelling stories. My 10 yo son does the same thing with Batman while his older brother and I groan.

    My 12 yo has recently begun taking things apart. Do you know of a resource for deconstructing that is reasonably priced?

  3. Oooooh. This looks so cool and perfect for my boys who are 11 and 13! Dying about the “man card” comment. Definitely sounds like something my older son would say. 😉

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