Review: For Instruction in Righteousness

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Have you ever had one of those parenting moments when your child was misbehaving in some way and you wished that you could just pick your Bible up and turn right to a verse dealing with that particular issue?

With For Instruction in Righteousness, “a topical reference guide for Biblical parenting,” from Doorposts, you can do just that.

Originally published in 1993, For Instruction in Righteousness, has just undergone its first major revision. The latest edition has over 50 new pages and lots of expanded chapters which are, as the Doorposts website states, “a result of additional parenting experience and Bible study.”

I don’t know about you, but I think that’s cool. You’ve got a book that was originally written as a means of compiling what one family gleaned from their own personal Bible study and search of the Scriptures. Now, with 18 more years of parenting experience under their belts, they’re sharing with us what they’ve learned over the years.

While we are, of course, ultimately responsible for discerning God’s will for guiding our own children, isn’t it nice having the writings of an older, more mature Titus 2 woman as our own personal parenting mentor?

The table of contents lists 52 common misbehaviors, grouping them into common headings such as:

  • Sins of a Proud Heart
  • Sins of Discontent
  • Sins of Unbelief

Under those headings the topics are further broken down. For example, under the heading Sins of an Undisciplined Life, you’ll find:

  • Laziness
  • Haste
  • Impatience/Irritability
  • Anger

For each misbehavior, there are Bible verses (KJV or NKJV) dealing with that behavior. Following the scripture verses, you’ll find suggestions for dealing with the behavior or discussion topics to help your child understand what’s wrong about the behavior.

I’m not sure where those homeschooled kids I sometimes hear about live – you know the ones who count their siblings among their best friends and who are always looking out for their brothers’ and sisters’ best interests?

Yeah, I don’t know where those kids live. In my house, there seems to be constant bickering from sunup to sundown with little windows of harmony that make me look around trying to figure out what the aliens have done with my real children.

That being said, so far my favorite section has been “arguing/contention.” One of the verses is:

“Do not strive without a cause.” – Proverbs 3:30

The suggestion is, “Teach the child to ask himself, ‘Is there really an issue worth arguing over?’”

We’ve been working on asking ourselves that question. Kids might not want to admit it, but 9 times out of 10, the answer is no.

It’s also nice to be able to remind the kids that, “Any fool can start a quarrel. (Pr. 20:3)”

And, of course, a favorite that we’ve recited for many years is included (and I’m quoting it in our favorite NIV):

“Do not take part in foolish and stupid arguments for you know that they produce quarrels and the Lord’s servant must not quarrel, instead he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, and not resentful.  (2 Tim. 2: 23-24)”

This spiral-bound, 366-page book arranges the appropriate scriptures topically, putting them right at your fingertips for easy reference. Once you’ve quickly located that passage that you’re looking for, you can even look it up with your child in your own Bibles and show it to him or her in context.

It can be a powerful thing to a child – anyone, really – to realize that God took time to instruct us on specific behaviors in His word.

For Instruction in Righteousness is available from Doorposts for $33 or in a 3-ring binder for $35. Additionally, you can buy the original edition for $10 off while supplies last.

I received this product free for the purpose of reviewing it.  I received no other compensation for this review.  The opinions expressed in this review are my personal, honest opinions.  Your experience may vary. Please read my full disclosure policy for more details.

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Kris Bales is a newly-retired homeschool mom and the quirky, Christ-following, painfully honest founder (and former owner) of Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers. She has a pretty serious addiction to sweet tea and Words with Friends. Kris and her husband of over 30 years are parents to three amazing homeschool grads. They share their home with three dogs, two cats, a ball python, a bearded dragon, and seven birds.

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  1. Well…Happy Birthday to your firstborn.  My oldest is 13.  It still makes me feel old.  (Yet, not that old.)  Anyway, I think this book would be great…even for ME!  I get lost sometimes in the midst of the sinful behavior which takes over some days. This tool would work!  

  2. I saw this at the Doorposts booth at the convention and I am definately interested in this!   We are using their "The 'Put On' Chart Lesson Book this summer 🙂

  3. I would love to win this–I have 3 "spirited" children I'm in charge of lol. And a happy birthday to your "baby"!

  4. II have 9 precious kids and this would be an invaluable resource. Please pick me pick me ;

  5. Hi Kris! Happy birthday to your firstborn! 🙂  And I have then if/then and blessing chart from doorposts, but I've had my eye on For Instruction in Righteousness for a while.

  6. We have several Doorposts items including the old version of this book. I'd love to have the new one, though!

  7. Would love to win this.  Thanks for a chance!  It has been on my Amazon wishlist for a while now.  LOL  Happy 16th Birthday to your baby!!  I always tell my teenagers that they will always be my baby not matter how old they get.  ;0)
    tabitha4cm at yahoo dot com

  8. Sounds like a resource I could use.  We struggle with right behavior lately.  I would love to be entered in your drawing.  

  9. Blesses birthday greetings to your "baby". I would love to win! But I see I am the first comment so I think the lowers my chances :)!
    I have looked at this book and would love to add it to our curriculum.

  10. "We" have been arguing like crazy here.  I appreciated you post – the Scripture and their accompanying comments.  I'll probably be sitting down with my Bible and a couple kids later today…

  11. I would love to win this. I was actually looking this over the other day.
    Oh Happy Sweet 16th Birthday Brianna!

  12. This sounds like something we could really use! We have a lot of the bickering/whining/arguing around here, and I'm at a loss sometimes as to the best way to correct it.

  13. Happy Birthday to your "baby"!  😉  We have 3 children –  16, 12, 11.  I would LOVE to have this book!!  Not only to use with my children, but for me!  Thanks for the opportunity to win this awesome book.

  14. This truly is an outstanding resource.  I can't *imagine* what they might have added to make it even better! 🙂

  15. I've heard only wonderful things about this resource!  Thanks for your review.
    Thanks – also – for a great blog.  I am trying to spend my time on the internet wisely and a few minutes here are often the timely encouragment I need.
    Amy –

  16. I've had my eye on this book off and on for years. Would love to have an actual copy! Good review!

  17. Id love to read the book. Being the second of thirteen I thought that I understood the whole parenting/family thing, now with five of my own I am becoming more humble about all that.

  18. Approve.

    Eclipsed: Escaping the Shadow of Obesity
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  19. This book sounds fabulous!  I'd love to win!  (I'm a fairly new reader…this may even be my first comment?)  I'm not entirely sure how I found your blog, but it's in my Google reader, and I've really enjoyed it! 🙂

  20. Oh wow, what a great resource!    I'd love to have this as I work on character training!

  21. This has been on my "to buy" list for years. I would LOVE to win it! 😉 (And Happy Sweet Sixteen to your daughter!!!)

  22. Awwww…happy birthday to your baby!  My biggest baby is 4 and I would love to have this as issues of character are becoming more and more to the forefront in our home.

  23. This has got to be the answer to my latest prayer as I have been praying for some guidance with my children. I had no idea that such a book existed and am so glad that I have found it. Maybe, just maybe I'll even win it : )

    And lest not forget a happy sweet sixteen to your eldest!

    [email protected]

  24. Love the name of your blog!  Your bio fit me perfectly…about the sort of classical, sort of charlotte mason, etc.  I want to win a copy of this.

  25. Would LOVE to give a copy of this to everyone in our church that has a baby. We love using it as a resource to give our minds wonderful ideas, and scripture to keep us focused. Thanks for offering! – Jennifer
    [email protected]

  26. Happy Sweet 16!    My two boys are 3 and 5, really could use this book!  🙂

    Have a great weekend!hpixley at  comcast dot net

  27. I loved your review. Yes I agree, so much nicer to get that Titus  mentoring. Doorposts products are always so full of wisdom. Love that your house is the same as mine.  With the quarrelling etc. Mostly it's our older boys. 22, 20 and nearly 17.  The 25 yo stays out of it as do the youngers. Most of the time.  Happy Birthday to your first born. I'm 50 today. And as my youngest (2 days shy of 7) says..I'm still young. Whoo hoo!!

  28. Awe, happy sweet 16 to your firstborn – and happy giving birth birthday to you 😉

    I have been looking at For Instruction in Righteousness for about 2 years now – would love to win it…. I think I need it possibly more than my kids do sometimes.   

  29. Several friends have this and I've been able to browse their copies, and they look great! I'd love to have my own copy!

  30. There have been so many days that I had the right words to give my children when I wish for them to understand better the right behavior!  It would be so nice to have something like this to help and to guide me to0!

  31. I've been borrowing a copy of this book for over a year now–this updated version is reason enough for me to think I might finally need my own copy!! Glad to read your review and to hear the new version's even better. Thank you!

  32. I'd love to win this book. I'm not married and don't have any kids yet, but I've been wanting a copy of "For instruction in Righteousness" for awhile, both for future use (I hope^^) and my own personal use now 🙂 My Mom and I both  love all of doopoosts products very much 🙂

  33. I recently purchased Plants Grown Up from Doorposts.  My goal is to use this over the summer months with  my oldest.  (I had a garage sale and used the money to purchase this.) 

    I would love to also have For Instruction in Righteousess.  What great training tools for our little ones!

    Happy Sweet 16 to your "little one".  Time does go by way too fast. 


  34. I love your review! This book sounds like something our family needs.  I am not as knowledgeable of the bible (but I'm learning!) so it would be nice to have a resource like this.
    ps. Happy Birthday to your oldest child…

  35. I would love to win Instructions in Righteousness.  Thank you for this giveaway!
    Julie Roman

  36. I just left my full-time job to start home-schooling my children (ages 5, 5 and 4) and For Instruction In Righteousness is a book I definitely need to have on hand! I would love to win a copy of it!

  37. Awww…happy birthday!  I would love a chance to win, and as others have mentioned, I'd probably end up using it for self-counsel as often as parenting.

  38. Happy belated-birthday to your daughter. My daughter is soon to be 18….They grow so quickly!

  39. I just got my new one in the mail, gave away my older edition – and would love to give away another one.  I was at the beach this morning reading the Appendix sections. We have used this book in our home for over 8 years – I can tell you – that we do have "those boys" that people talk about – but we also have the kind that choose poorly with their attitudes and reactions – and this book – speaking out biblical truth – has been the only thing that stops the behavior abruptly – without me feeling like I'm begging, whining, yelling, or beating the snot out of something, to make it stop. Um. Ya, I wouldn't do that last one, but, I've thought about it. 😉

  40. Happy sweet 16!!!!!!!!! I would love to win this book, I love Doorpost items! I actually have a couple!! XOXO Contact: kevinkaylaarrowood 123 at yahoo dot com

  41. I have been wanting to purchase this for so long and am so glad to see that the new version is out. My husband and I are eager to start using this for our 2 and 4 year olds! We want to be diligent at stopping the sinful patterns of behavior as we see them (and it will help with our own!!). thank you for your site! I'm a first time visitor today! (getting ready to homeschool our oldest and very excited!) 

  42. Happy Birthday to your daughter. I would love a copy of the book. My kids are getting a bit tired of the same verses I use to help develop their character. Thanks for giving this so somebody!!

  43. This is an EXCELLENT book and I would love to give a copy to a gal who is pregnant with her first….. I didn't find this until my oldest was 7 so had many retaining days….. now after 4 kids and 2 copies mine could probably stand replacing!  Gets used a LOT!!  I like the spiral best but then got the binder and it has benefits too–you can add pages in for notes… so if you are looking to buy–I would recommend the binder first–but the spiral is sturdier as the pages dont rip out as easy when you have a child who wants to remove pages…. dont laugh.  YOu might get one too!

  44. I would love to win a copy of "For Instruction in Righteousness!". Happy Birthday to your daughter.

  45. I have this on my wish list but I would love to win a copy! We have a houseful of not-always harmonious little ones too! 😉

  46. Happy Sixteen! How crazy to have a sixteen year old!

    Well, I'd love to win this book. I need all the help I can get! Thank you for the chance. serenakate at

  47. I'd love to win!  the Doorposts products I've tried before have been great!

  48. I would love to win this to use with my 4 kids!  (and happy birthday to your daughter!)

    stillfun2freecycle at gmail dot com

  49. I'm a Father of 7 & a Pastor.  I give this manuel to every family upon the birth of their first child.  It is an excellent resource.  I haven't seen the new version & would like to see the new insights.  This has been a great guide in our own home as well as in the homes of our church families.

  50. I am thinking I do need to win(or invest) this book.  Sounds like a handy little reference guide for moms who are often thinking on 1000 different things:)

  51. Thank you for the review…I have ben debating on whether to order it or not, and now I know I will because it sounds so practical. Also, thanks for the comment about your kids bickering…believe it or not, that encouraged me because that is our biggest everyday struggle!! Hopefully this will give us a tool to help with that!

  52. Darn no brownie points for wishing your first born Happy Birthday? Thats ok it's still so fun to tell someone HAPPY BIRTHDAY, what a blessing you are! Many blessings to you! Oh and I realy would like to win a copy of the FIR book 😉 Have a great weekend!

  53. Hope to buy it in this year's ICHE Convention if I don't win it… Sounds like a great tool for our families! thanks!

  54. I'd love to win the updated version!  I own the older version, and have used it quite a bit, but gleening from 18 more years of parental experience….yeah I'd take that!  Thanks!

  55. I have given my copies away and would love one to keep! Happy Birthday to your firstborn!

  56. I just found Doorposts.  I can't believe it took so long.  I love all there products, just what I was looking for in training my children in the way they should go.  Would love to win!

  57. Happy Sweet Sixteen!  My eldest daughter turned sixteen in March.  What a wonderful time in life this is 🙂  We used the example lesson on anger just today with our 13 and 11 yr. old and it is so useful to receive your emails and materials on hand.  Thank you!

  58. Happy birthday to your first born!  Our middle child turned 9 on May 26th also! 🙂  I'd like to be entered to win-sounds like a wonderful tool.

  59. I have the first book and have found it very helpful and a simple guide with the bible. Would be great to have the new revised version. Highly recommend that e everyone should have one!

  60. I'd love to win this for my 3 boys! and happy happy 16th birthday! (i'm having a hard time cause my oldest will soon be 10!)

  61. To be totally honest, transparent and forthright – I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win this!! Have been wanting it for a few months now- looks like a wonderful tool!!  Thanks! 

  62. Oh how we could benefit from that book in our home (well…our RV that is!)

    Great giveaway and happy b-day to your daughter!!

  63. I've wanted this manual for some time.   I agree with your review – it would be nice to be able to pull out some Bible verses to address the discipline and character issues of our children.  Pretty convicting for me too!  Thanks!

    Alice Crabb

  64. This has been on my wish list since I starting having kids.  I would love to have this book!

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