
Review: Beehive Reader

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Do you remember my review for All About Spelling a while back?  If so, you may recall that I mentioned that it was much more than simply a spelling program, but that it also was reinforcing what my younger two kids were learning in their phonics program.

While the focus is, certainly, on spelling, All About Spelling (AAS) is almost a spelling and phonics program rolled into one – and the latest product that I’ve received to review from AAS just cements that opinion for me.


A few weeks ago, I received the beautifully illustrated, durable hardback Beehive Reader 1 from AAS.  The reader contains 10 stories filled with words that kids have learned to read and spell during their AAS lessons.  The book correlates 100% with AAS Level 1.  In fact, the AAS teacher’s guide will let you know when your child is ready for each story in the book with a little note at the completion of each lesson that corresponds with a story in the reader.


This book has been a real confidence-booster for my struggling reader (though he doesn’t always read it without complaint, but that is, by no means, a commentary on Beehive Reader 1, but, rather, on his general reluctance with regards to reading).  I love that it reinforces what the kids are learning with spelling while, at the same time, giving them a great source for practicing reading with familiar words.

Another thing that I really love is that this book was designed with kids — including dyslexic kids — in mind.  The pages are non-glare to avoid strain on the eyes and those beautiful illustrations I mentioned?  They were specifically rendered to help carry the story without allowing the reader to guess at the text based on the illustrations.

The subtle underlines help kids with tracking issues stay focused and the sentences are arranged in such a way as to encourage kids to read phrases fluently.  I can’t tell you how much I wish something like this had been available when I was teaching my oldest, who is dyslexic, to read.

This one is definitely another of my favorites.  Click here to learn more about or purchase Beehive Reader 1 ($19.95).

I received this product free for the purpose of reviewing it.  I received no other compensation for this review.  The opinions expressed in this review are my personal, honest opinions.  Your experience may vary.

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  1. We're at the early reading stage here and so I was glad to learn about and read your review of these particular books. Thanks!

  2. This is the second review I have seen for this book, and it makes me Waaaanttt it. 🙂 My son is still in the reading range to be able to use it, so we just might…

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