Review: School Is Where the Home Is
How often throughout the homeschool year could you use a little encouragement – sweet words from a friend to lift you up? Okay, maybe that’s too broad. How many times throughout the week? The day?
Anita Mellott is a homeschool mom who answered God’s nudging to write a book of encouragement for homeschooling moms (and dads).
School Is Where the Home Is is a unique devotional book containing 180 messages to boost a home educating parents’ flagging spirits – one message for each day of a traditional school year.
Each devotion starts with a related verse of Scripture followed by a short, personal anecdote from Anita’s homeschool life and closes with a section called “Digging Deeper,” which may contain some Scripture passages on which to reflect, a practical resource, or a question for you to think about as relates to your own life.
Each short devotion – something all busy homeschooling parents can appreciate – falls under one of the following headings:
- A Faith of Their One– Helping parents encourage their child’s relationship with Christ
- And a Child Will Lead Them– Insights gleaned from seeing life from a child’s perspective
- Gifts We Give Our Children– Encouragement to be intentional about discipling our children
- Homeschool Basics– Practical tips for the day-to-day struggles encountered as a homeschooling parent
- Homeschool Foundations– Biblical truths to stand on in the hard times
- Homeschool and Family – Tips for finding balance as a homeschooling family
- Homeschool and You– Encouragement for the primary homeschooling parent with regards to caring for herself
- Spiritual Vitamins – Nourishment for the soul
Not only does School Is Where the Home Is contain encouraging, uplifting messages for the spiritual and emotional aspects of homeschooling, but it addresses the practical issues that home educators face, offering tips for overcoming academic hurdles and ideas for developing our kids’ talents.
Anita is just a regular homeschool mom, like the rest of us, who goes through your average daily ups and downs as she educates her young teen and cares for a toddler. Unlike most of us, though, she experiences chronic pain due to a condition known as ankylosing spondylitis, a form of arthritis which primarily affects the spine and for which there is no cure.
You can bless and support a fellow homeschooling mom by purchasing a book that will, in turn, bless and encourage you. It’s available on Amazon for just $10.87 or $9.99 for Kindle. The proceeds will help cover Anita’s medical bills and her family’s expenses.
I received this product free for the purpose of reviewing it. I received no other compensation for this review. The opinions expressed in this review are my personal, honest opinions. Your experience may vary. Please read my full disclosure policy for more details.
I have been blessed to have many encouragers in my 6 years of homeschooling! The best one right now though is our new pastor’s wife. She homeshooled her 5 children for many years (I have 5, too) so when I have questions or need to talk to someone she’s a huge help to me!
This book looks great!
My greatest encourager is the man of my life. He helps me in so many ways.
Sounds like a must have! Thanks for spreading the word. I’ll share the giveaway on my blog as well.
My biggest encourager has been, hands down, my husband. I really don’t have a lot of support or encouragement from anyone else.
Thanks for the giveaway!
My husband and his family 🙂
This sounds like just what I need!
My mom has been my greatest encourager. She has helped me find creative solutions, praised my homeschooling efforts and reminded me that God is the One I should go to for everything. 🙂
My biggest encourager in homeschooling has been my own son. Choosing to homeschool was a big decision for me (I am a former classroom teacher). I never thought I’d be one of “those” people, but following my son’s needs led me home (and I couldn’t be happier!)
Probably my husband and a friend who has the same number of kids and similar ages. I don’t know many people personally
Sounds like an interesting read.
My greatest encourager for homeschooling has been other homeschooling Moms who made it k-12. Their perseverance is inspirational.
Hmm, while no one has been discouraging, I can’t think of a person that’s been particularly encouraging. I get the most encouragement at our annual convention.
My biggest encourager has been my church family. Although there aren’t many of us home schoolers in our church, everyone is supportive & encouraging. If we need anything, they are there. I’m thankful for their love through this journey!!
My christian friends have been my biggest supporters of my homeschooling.
My husband and other homeschool mothers.
My biggest encourager is my husband.
My husband and my Sister In Law has been my biggest support!
I’m blessed to have a group of homeschooling moms online who give me regular encouragement, as well as a homeschooling sister-in-law who is so upbeat, positive, and honest. It really helps because I’m a first-time homeschooling parent with my hubby, and we know we want to do it with the best of our love and intentions.
I’m simply thankful, too, that there are so many homeschooling moms and dads to look to online that have done the journey or are in it currently. 🙂
My fellow homeschool mom friends have encouraged me to continue on. 🙂 This looks like a really great book.
I’m gonna go with Jenn Perry – I just thanked her this morning for setting me on the right track in the beginning. She happens to be my friend and neighbor – Daze of Adventure 🙂 sweet, smart, and real!
My husband has been my biggest encourager. His love language is “words of affirmation” and he’s definitely good at giving words of encouragement. (Me,
I have a friend with 6 kids that introduced me to homeschooling. She was like me and it made me realize that homeschooling is not some crazy, snake-handling type thing!
My biggest encourager in our homeschool journey has been our Support Group! This looks like a GREAT book!
I need to be able to remind myself why I’m homeschooling and stay motivated.
I have one wonderful friend who helps me stay sane on those dark and crazy days that happen. She has moved away and I could use some extra encouragement.