
Science Tips For Moms Who Hate Science

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Written by Alicia Hutchinson of Learning Well Community.

Confession time: Are you a homeschool mom who hates science? You are not alone! I’m standing with you with my nose plugged with doubled-up gloves, so I don’t have to touch anything slimy. And don’t you even think about asking if we’re going to dissect something because the answer is no.

Not ever.

I can’t even.

science tips for homeschool moms

Don’t feel bad. There are many of us protesting science. But I don’t think science is going anywhere. And, it seems that for each mother who hates science, three kids in the family love it. What kind of a mother would I be to deny my kids their deep love?


Ok, let’s do this. If we must, we must, right? I’ve got some science tips for we homeschool moms who hate science. We can totally do this.

Science Museums

What better way to handle science class than a day out on the town? Invest in membership passes and make good use of them. Most science museums offer activities like camps and classes that are covered by your membership (or at least offered at a discount). Spending a day browsing the exhibits is a fascinating way to get your kids involved in science.

science tips for homeschool moms

Co-op Classes

If science is really not your thing, join a co-op where someone else can teach science class. Consider teaching another class that interests you while your kids take the science class.

science tips for homeschoolers

Science Kits

Picking up science kits is a simple way to incorporate science. You can find kits all over – even Target carries them this time of year. My favorite by far is Magic School Bus Science Club. Every month you receive a package full of pretty much everything you need to do several experiments all based around a theme. Your kids will learn about topics like air, acids and bases, and weather. These kits are so much fun!

homeschool science

Easy Peasy Science Experiment Books

If you make science really simple, you’ll be more likely to do it. Grab a good book from the library with simple, do-able projects. Schedule time during your week when you don’t have too much going on. It probably won’t take much for us science-skeptic moms to get overwhelmed, so it’s best to start with lots of room in the schedule. Set aside an hour or so and get into it with your kids.

Check out these highly recommended science experiment books:

Recruit an Older Kid

If you have a wide span of age ranges as we do in our family, ask if your oldest kid(s) would mind doing some fun experiments with the younger ones. My kids love mixing baking soda and vinegar in soda bottles and growing crystals in Mason jars with their older siblings. It’s actually an enjoyable time while no one is really arguing. In fact, I should do this more often.

Swap With Another Homeschool Family

You might have another homeschool family friend who loves doing science. Swap skills. You teach her kids something you’re good at in exchange for her teaching yours science. Or make the family dinner a few times a month in exchange for them doing science with your kids. It’d be an excellent time for your kids to hang out with friends and for you to check off science without having to do it yourself. {grin}

homeschool science tips

By incorporating some of these science tipis, we’re sure to pull off at least a couple science classes with our kids. Good luck, mamas! We can do this!

Science: love or hate it? What’s your best tip for making sure it doesn’t get pushed aside?

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