The Visitor

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We’re really going to have to start listening to Nim when she tries to tell us something. Monday, I asked Josh to go check the mail. He started for the door, but was saying something. Nim started talking at the same time. I asked her to wait a minute so I could hear Josh. I turned to him and asked him what he’d been saying.

They both started talking at the same time again, so I asked her, again, to wait until I finished talking to Josh. After we went out to get the mail, I asked Nim what she was saying.

She said, “Aunt Kris, I saw the mail lady come by. She didn’t stop at your mailbox. She kept going and didn’t put any mail in your box.”

Um, I guess I should have listened. Oh, well. Josh needed the exercise.

Later, Nim and Megan were sitting in the basement. Nim was looking in the corner where our snakes are kept. She said, “Look, Megan, a snake.”

Megan: That’s just Cheyenne (our snake).

Nim: Look at that green.

Megan: That’s Cheyenne’s water bowl.

Nim: No, it’s a snake.

They both ran upstairs to get me and this is what I found behind Cheyenne’s tank:

Eastern King Snake

It’s not as big as it looks in the picture. It’s only about 12 inches long. It got away just after I took this picture, but came back later and was captured by Brian. It’s an incredibly aggressive Eastern Kingsnake. It coils and strikes, shaking its tail like a rattlesnake. When I got home from our homeschool group’s Mom’s Night Out, we tried to feed it one of the pinky mice that we feed Cheyenne, but it wouldn’t eat it. I guess it’s used to live meals, not frozen/thawed.

We’ll be letting it go today (Tuesday…it’s nearly 1 AM right now). It’s out on the porch tonight. We all decided that we couldn’t sleep with it in the house!

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  1. Oh, wow!

    YES. Do listen to Nim more closely! Or have her speak up! LOL

    And thanks for your thanks, BTW. : )

    And also ((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))) for the sweet card that you sent me a while back in actual snail mail. (((((((hugs)))))))))

    Oh, I should’ve emailed all this instead. Sigh.

  2. holy cow! How did that get in the house?!? At least it didn’t bite anyone.

    And I can understand blocking out what she says, she tends to prattle on, god love her 🙂

  3. oh my goodness! In your HOUSE??? Ack! I think I would have died… and I don’t know that it would have been captured! Seriously… it has me looking in all the small corners now. Bleck.

  4. oh no! I would totally be looking for a new house. Oh, wow, oh.. I just don’t know WHAT to say. Better you than me!!! LOL

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