Weekly Wrap-Up: The One Before the Half-Marathon

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Happy Friday! Welcome to this week’s Weekly Wrap-Up. Tomorrow is a huge, exciting milestone for me: I’ll be running in my first half-marathon! Two years and 88 pounds ago, I never, ever dreamed I would become a runner. No way did I ever think I could run over 13 miles. Now, I can’t wait! I’m so excited to get out there and do this thing. Who knows? Maybe next year it will be a full marathon. Maybe.

On the school front, it’s been a pretty mundane week. The most exciting thing we did was make fudge for science to represent igneous rocks. The kids really enjoyed it and it was some yummy fudge. Now, I just need to get it out of my house! Yummy fudge doesn’t go well with continued weight loss.


Yesterday I made a birthday cake for my nephew. I’m not especially creative when it comes to stuff like that, but I got the idea to make him a “dirt” cake complete with work trucks and orange traffic cones. I thought it turned out pretty cute and he was thrilled. Of course, I think he liked the monster truck toys that we gave him better than the cake.


Those are the highlights of my week, what about yours? Be sure to post about it and sign up with the linky. If this is your first time to join us, be sure to read the Weekly Wrap-Up guidelines. You can also follow the guidelines link to grab the banner code.

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Kris Bales is a newly-retired homeschool mom and the quirky, Christ-following, painfully honest founder (and former owner) of Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers. She has a pretty serious addiction to sweet tea and Words with Friends. Kris and her husband of over 30 years are parents to three amazing homeschool grads. They share their home with three dogs, two cats, a ball python, a bearded dragon, and seven birds.

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  1. Congratulations on your nominations!  It is well deserved!  All the best tomorrow on the half marathon – it is amazing and inspiring how much you have been able to accomplish on your journey to good health!

  2. I've been keeping up with your high school posts! I find them very interesting and informative! Thanks a bunch!

    Great cake!

  3. I've really been enjoying your high school series! And, I'd have to say a dirt cake before a marathon is mighty fine 🙂

  4. Congratulations! I ran my first half marathon last February, and it felt like such a huge, huge milestone for me. This year, I started my own group to get a few other moms who didn't think they could to do it with me! I hope you finish well and feel fantastic!

  5. I'm really glad you're doing the high school series! My oldest will begin 9th grade next year, and I'm trying to get as prepared as possible ahead of time. 

  6. Your first half marathon! Woot!!!! I have to say that you have been such an inspiration to me. I used to run cross country in high school, but thought a knee injury had side-lined me from running forever. A friend finally taught how to properly stretch my IT band (that is what she calls it anyway) and I have been able to start running again! You and an old friend from high school have been inspiring me ever since. I'm now up to 4 miles 3x/week + 25 miles on the bike 1x/week and just set a goal to be able to run a half-marathon in 2012! Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Thanks, Jessy. I'm glad you've found the homeschooling high school posts to be helpful. I was a little intimidated at the thought of writing this series, but it's been fun.

  8. He did love the cake, even though it didn't turn out quite like I had in mind. Oh, well. It tasted good. 😉 I can't wait to tell everyne about the run. I'm excited to get to it!

  9. I can't believe it either! And, I really can't believe that all night I kept thinking, "Maybe I'll start training for the full marathon next year." I never would have dreamed it!

  10. That's awesome that you've been able to come back from a knee injury! Good luck on making that half marathon in 2012. Thanks for the well-wishes!

  11. You can just send that fudge on over here… 😉

    SO excited for you doing a half-marathon! I've told my family and they are all very impressed. It's so cold this morning; I hope that doesn't make it harder. I can't breathe worth a darn when it's cold, but that's partly my asthma so maybe it doesn't bother normal folks. Can't wait to hear more about it!

  12. It was great, Jamie! It was SO cold — below freezing when we passed one of the signs here in town that displays the temps. The worst part was waiting for the race to start. I couldn't feel my toes until just before Mile 2. It was fine after that, though. I'll take the cold over the heat any day when it comes to running, even though I hate cold weather.

  13. Ooooh, I'm so excited for your half-marathon!  I signed up for my first one which is in February.  I started running last year in a competition with my hubby.  🙂  I love running and I feel healthier now than I ever have been.  Good luck!  I'm also enjoying the high school posts.  We only have 2 more years to go.  Yikes!!  How did we get here??

  14. Your high school posts were very timely.  We just started homeschooling my 13 year old brother for 8th grade and are hoping to continue through high school.  I really appreciate your perspective!  Thanks for all the good information.  And congrats on the half marathon!

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