Weekly Wrap-Up: The One With All the Surgical Procedures

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What a week!  I loved seeing all the link-ups from last week’s curriculum sharing post.  I haven’t gotten to visit everybody yet, but I’m working my way around.

This week has been crazy for us.  I had my first colonoscopy on Tuesday.  Fun times, fun times.  Monday was spent on prep, which was even more fun than the procedure itself.  Um, not.  It wasn’t as bad as I’d feared, but definitely not something I look forward to doing again and I don’t care if I never see another Powerade again.  I don’t even like them on a good day.  I wound up having two polyps removed and ten biopsies.  I’d appreciate your prayers that everything comes back okay.

bench flowers

Wednesday was the calm between the storms and I was able to finally finish up my planning for school, as well as meet some friends for a playdate.  Now, the ledge in my dining room is finally cleared of piles and piles of school books and binders.  Everything is packed away in my storage cabinet, in workboxes, or on bookshelves in preparation for us to start school next Wednesday.  I can’t believe summer break passed so quickly.

fire hydrant

I’m a big fan of getting the binding cut off of books that I’ll be using regularly, particularly those that contain reproducible pages because they’re hard to copy in the books.  Did you know that Office Depot will cut the binding for less than a dollar?  At least, the ones in my area do.  I’ve started having them do that, then, just bringing the pages home and three-hole punching them myself.  It’s a good chance to listen to music or book on CD and it’s a lot cheaper than having them three-hole drill it.  They also have automatic three-hole punches that you can use in the store, as I was informed by the extremely nice manager in our local store this week.  I just didn’t have time to use the hole punch at the time because we were on our way to meet friends.

old car

Thursday, Brianna had to have all four wisdom teeth extracted.  The procedure actually went really well and the oral surgeon said she was the perfect patient.  She slept most of the day yesterday, thanks to powerful pain meds.  Today, she’s really swollen and still can’t chew (she was very frustrated not to be able to eat scrambled eggs today), but not in too much pain, thankfully.  I’m trying to be really mindful of giving her the pain meds at regular intervals so that she can, hopefully, avoid as much pain as possible.

My kids amaze me.  As much as they may fuss and bicker with each other, they rally around when one is hurt or sick.  Josh and Megan have taken excellent care of Brianna the last two days — sitting with her so she won’t be lonely, bringing her drinks or soup or applesauce, even not expressing their jealousy as she gets Frosty after Frosty, knowing that it’s because she really can’t eat much else.  Yeah, I think they all should get a Frosty tonight.  I’ve got good kids.


A personal milestone for me is that I hit 60 pounds lost this week!  Although, as I began this journey, I certainly hoped I would reach my weight-loss goals and worked to reach them, it’s sort of surreal having reached such a big milestone.  I feel so much better and can’t believe how far I’ve come.  I’ve got 35 pounds to go, but, after losing 60, that seems so doable.  I’m hoping to be at my goal weight — or, at least, really close — by the week of Thanksgiving this year.

The pictures in this week’s wrap-up are from the photo walk that I went on last weekend.  I could share some glossy, close-up pictures of the inside of my colon, but I think you’d probably prefer that I not.  😉

How was your week? Be sure to post about it and sign up with MckLinky. If this is your first time to join us, be sure to read the Weekly Wrap-Up guidelines.

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Kris Bales is a newly-retired homeschool mom and the quirky, Christ-following, painfully honest founder (and former owner) of Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers. She has a pretty serious addiction to sweet tea and Words with Friends. Kris and her husband of over 30 years are parents to three amazing homeschool grads. They share their home with three dogs, two cats, a ball python, a bearded dragon, and seven birds.

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  1. Oh sakes! Bless your hearts. Sounds like a lot of real life mixed in between your beautiful photos. But victories as well. Procedures over with to start school – sounds like you are really ready. And a big congrats on your continued weight loss. Awesome!

  2. I do pray that your results will be nothing but positive! You have had an eventful week in more ways than one! Congrats on hitting 60 lbs.–that is awesome:-)! And, what a relief to have school planning done. Thanks too, for the FYI on book binding. I love your pictures too!

  3. Oh dear, that doesn't sound like a very fun week for you or Brianna. I will keep your tests in my prayers, I'm sure it will all be fine, polyps are common. I love your photos, especially the fire hydrant! LOVE that! Congrats on your weight loss, that is such a great accomplishment!!

  4. Praying for good results for you, quick recovery for Brianna! I loved your pictures – and thanks for the info about cutting binding off books. Good to know. My wrap-up is posted – the one I would have posted last week if I'd had a computer to work with…

  5. Wow! Congrats on your big milestone! That's soooo awesome! You look so great in your new profile picture.

    Hope Brianna feels better soon. I remember the joy of wisdom teeth removal.

  6. sounds like a rough week. I hope next week is better for you all, and you get good results. I can empathize with the wisdom teeth – had mine done this year and it was NOT cool.
    Great photos! 🙂

  7. We're joining up for the first time. We starting K/1st grade next month.

    Congrats on the weight loss!

    Good choice on the pictures – these ones are fabulous.

  8. WOW, on all the medical stuff (that's my official medical term…stuff ; )! Glad everyone is getting medical procedures done that need to be done, although are not "fun." Congrats again on the weight loss too. I really thought the picture of you and your hubby (from sweet shot), with your new waist, was cute. My diet currently seems to be pregnancy. I'm 17 weeks and have lost 18 .lbs, although no one seems concerned. I was 179 and am now 161..it's most likely another girl, sucking the life out of me, lol 😉

  9. Sounds like a heavy week. We pray that the tests come back positive and no worries follow. I also hope Brianna feels better soon. It must not be fun at the moment.

  10. I will pray for you that your results will be positive!
    Congratulations on your weight loss…do you have any advice for someone who has a similar amount of weight to lose? I'm only 5 down and 95 to go…really struggling!!

  11. Thanks to everyone for all the prayers. They're greatly appreciated!

    @ StrummerMommy — check out my weight loss blog (linked in my sidebar). I just did a post answering the question that I seem to get asked a lot these days, "What are you doing to lose the weight?" Hope that helps!

  12. Congrats on your weightloss milestone! Prayers for your test results as well. I feel for poor Brianna. I had my wisdom teeth pulled on Friday morning. I was shocked, shocked I say, when the nurse told me I could have pasta or scrambled eggs for dinner. My tongue was so swollen, I could barely swallow my own spit! Ah well, I'll spoon feed myself another fruit smoothy to Brianna's speedy recovery!

  13. woohoo on the weight loss…

    so sorry on the colon…

    yeah for pain meds and frostys…

    Here's hoping next week is calm and boring. 🙂

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