Weekly Wrap-Up: The One with the Great Deals

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Well, we’ve all survived another week.  I hope it was a good one at your house.  It’s been slightly above average here, with some fun science projects and some exciting, non-school-related highlights.Where to start?  Well, Brianna survived her first speech in her speech class last night.  She was really nervous, but she did survive.

Josh and Megan have been studying fish and amphibians in science this week.  Monday we did a cool experiment with a water-filled two-liter bottle and an eyedropper to demonstrate how a fish bladder works.  First we dropped the empty eyedropper in the bottle and noted where it floated.  Next, we filled the dropped completely with water, dropped it in and measured again.  Finally, we tried with a half-full eyedropper.


It was a really fun experiment, made all the more exciting by the fact that it was being conducted during some severe thunderstorms.  We just had wind and heavy rain at our house, but Brian had his car in the next town over for some maintenance work.  It was bad enough there that he thinks a tornado may have come through.

Whatever came through, it knocked all the power out and his car got stuck up on the rack.  Eventually someone from the dealership had to bring him home and he had to get a ride back up there the next day to get his car.

Wednesday, on the way to music class, we noticed some neighbors having a moving sale.  Something caught my eye, so we decided to stop.  We hit the jackpot!  For $10, Josh got a bucket o’ Nerf stuff.  This is only part of what he got:


I checked on Amazon and the two guns alone are worth $85!  Both of them require batteries and even had working batteries in them.  I picked up this great set of dumbbells for only $10:


Those are normally $0.50-$1 per pound.  I got two each: 10 lb., 15 lb., 20 lb., and 25 lb., plus four plate weights (two tens and two twenties) and two small hand weights (3 lbs. and 5 lbs.).

We stopped back by tonight because they’d put some more stuff out.  I got a great little mirror for my dining room and a nice art kit for Brianna for $10, total, and Brian picked up a guitar and a bunch of accessories worth about $200, plus a high-quality music stand for only $20.  It’s crazy!  They said they were still putting stuff out.  We may just start stopping by every day until they move.

For me, personally, yesterday was a big day.  I saw a number on the scale that I haven’t seen in probably sixteen years!  If I can hold onto it until my official weigh-in, it will put me at over 70 pounds lost!  In addition to that, I tried on a pair of jeans just to see how close I was getting and was surprised to find that they already fit!  They’re size 9.  Just to give you an idea, I was in a 22 when I started my weight-loss journey.

On top of all that, I sent in my registration fee to run my first 5K!  It’ll be next Saturday.  I’m excited and nervous at the same time.  My goal is to finish – and not be last!

This weekend, my van is in the shop, so I’m stranded at home.  No bike riding for me.  *sigh*  It’s supposed to be rainy anyway.  I’m just hoping my van is done by Saturday afternoon or we won’t have a way to church on Sunday.

Those are the highlights from my week, how was yours? Be sure to post about it and sign up with MckLinky. If this is your first time to join us, be sure to read the Weekly Wrap-Up guidelines. You can also follow the guidelines link to grab the banner code.

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Kris Bales is a newly-retired homeschool mom and the quirky, Christ-following, painfully honest founder (and former owner) of Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers. She has a pretty serious addiction to sweet tea and Words with Friends. Kris and her husband of over 30 years are parents to three amazing homeschool grads. They share their home with three dogs, two cats, a ball python, a bearded dragon, and seven birds.


  1. What a great real-life week! Love the garage sale bargains! Can't wait for garage sales to start. That is a favorite past-time for me and my 14 year old son.

  2. Nerf guns and a size 9!! That's worth a happy dance from everyone. 🙂 Congrats on the weight loss. You're doing a fantastic job!

  3. Hip, hip hooray for the weight loss Kris! You are an inspiration. We were playing with 2 liter bottles too this week – but making a tornado.

  4. Wow, what great deals! Congrats on entering the 5K and MOST IMPORTANTLY the size NINE. You-Go-Girl : )

  5. Wow, jackpot with the garage sales! I love those kinds of things.

    We are rejoicing with you regarding your weight loss too.

  6. Wow, those weights look nice! I'm so happy for you on your size 9 jeans and am excited to hear all about the 5K race! All the other yard sale goodies sound good too and lessons. : )

  7. Great job on the weight loss and great garage sale finds. We have those weights and I know they are expensive, even when you buy them from a used sports store.

  8. Congrats on the weight loss!!!

    And I love garage sales! Can't wait until it spring when the garage sales are everywhere! 🙂

  9. What more could one ask for with bargains like that and to be in a size 9 with such substantial weight loss! Congratulations!!!

  10. Wow, congratulations on your weight loss! A few years ago I lost 75 pounds over the course of a year, but only went down about 2 or 3 pants sizes because I lost it in other places (like my chest, dang it!). So what you're doing is quite impressive!!! Way to go!

  11. I love deals like that! Congrats on meeting another milestone on your weight loss journey! Yeah! I'm sure you'll put the weights to good use. 😉

  12. Congratulations on your size 9!! That is wonderful. And, I love the bargains. My boys are nerf maniacs- their favorite thing to do is put together a nerf war with their brother-in-laws.

  13. It's amazing what can be done with a 2-liter bottle.:) You got some great deals too! Just wanted to link up, as I started a new Homeschool Wrap-Up meme on my blog every Saturday….I happened to just find your wrap-up meme this morning while surfing on the Homeschool Lounge. Great to find another homeschool mom.:) Have a great week!

  14. Kris,

    My sons have Nerf guns similar to that. I hope your house soon looks like a scene from Scarface with bullet casings all over the floor – just like at my house!

    Congrats on your milestone weight loss. Size 9??? Woah – sexy lady!


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