Quick and Easy Tip for Cleaning Mini Blinds

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Okay, don’t go getting the idea that this is something I do on a regular basis, but every once in awhile you’ve gotta clean your mini-blinds. I’ve discovered the most pain-free method of doing this for me is a two-step process.

Quick and Easy Tip for Cleaning Mini Blinds

Step 1: First, I take the blinds down and put them in the tub. I use the hand-held shower head to spray them down and a dish brush to scrub them. I haven’t yet figured out a successful way to clean them without having to clean slat by slat, but with the blinds spread out in a tub of water, that goes pretty quickly.

Once they’ve been washed, I pull the cord to pull all of the slats to the top, turn the blinds up on one end and let the water drain off. Then, it’s on to step two.

Step 2: Step two is much quicker and easier than step one. I take the blinds out to the drive way, open them up all the way and leave them lying in the sun for a couple of hours. This not only dries them, but bleaches them out a bit (which would make this technique not-so-great for colored blinds, but perfect for white ones).

I was a little skeptical of how sun-bleached the mini-blinds actually got until the first time I did this. When I brought them back in, I could actually see the outline where the pull-cord had rested.

With red Kool-aid dust floating around and settling on everything in my kitchen, these mini-blind cleaning tips definitely work for me. Visit Kristin at We Are THAT Family for more Works for Me Wednesday tips.


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Kris Bales is a newly-retired homeschool mom and the quirky, Christ-following, painfully honest founder (and former owner) of Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers. She has a pretty serious addiction to sweet tea and Words with Friends. Kris and her husband of over 30 years are parents to three amazing homeschool grads. They share their home with three dogs, two cats, a ball python, a bearded dragon, and seven birds.

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  1. Thanks for the tip! Mine are way overdue for a cleaning! I’ve always used baby wipes in the past for a quick wipedown, but I’ll have to give this a try.

  2. Oh, this is funny…I did a WFMW post about cleaning blinds too!! 🙂 And we both use different methods! Everytime I cleaned mine in the tub, they still came out “not clean”…but like you said in your post…I wasn’t cleaning them slat by slat. That was my boo-boo. 🙂 Cleaning blinds is not my favorite task, to say the least. *blush* Good post!

  3. Great idea; thanks! Usually I just dust the blinds. I use wipes (409, Windex, etc.) to clean the blinds, but it’s such a chore. It doesn’t get done very often!

  4. See, I think the best way to clean them is to get new ones. Maybe not the greenest way but it works for me. LOL.

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