Weekly Wrap-Up: The one with the singing and the birthdays

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Weekly Wrap-Up

Happy Friday, y’all! How many of you are celebrating making it through your first week of school this year? We just finished our first six weeks and are taking a break next week. It’s actually been 7 weeks, but we had to adjust our schedule a bit during the first semester because the kids wanted to take a longer summer break this year…and Megan’s birthday is Monday. What better way to celebrate your birthday than with a week off school?

We wound up taking Labor Day off this week, too. We don’t usually do that, but Brian was off work and Brianna was off school, so we decided to enjoy a family day together. We went out to a Japanese steakhouse for lunch, then, did some much-needed clothes shopping for the kids.

We even had dessert before supper at the end of our shopping spree – Dairy Queen Blizzards. Yum!

Wednesday was an exciting day for Megan. She had her first live vocal performance! She sang Hit Me with Your Best Shot for a small crowd at the hotel patio where her voice instructor’s band performs each week. She did great!

She was nervous, of course, singing in front of people for the first time, so I don’t think she was disappointed that the crowd was kind of small. Two of her friends went with us for moral support. Can I just say that Megan has some amazing friends? I love those kids.

Help Kids Escape Poverty

Did you see my post on Monday? I have committed to finding sponsors for three beautiful children through Compassion International. I’m so excited to announce that Toussin now has a sponsor! Would you consider sponsoring Pearl or Domingo?

If not, will you share that post with your friends and family? Those children are uniquely assigned to me this month, so I really, really want to find sponsors for each of them!

I also shared a couple of articles on About.com this week. First, grade levels may make sense in a traditional school setting, but they can present unnecessary constraints in a homeschool setting, so Let’s Do Away with Grade Levels!

Then, homeschooling has its ups and downs. If you’d like more of the former and fewer of the latter, try these 6 tips for a successful homeschool year.

And, now, I’m off for a busy weekend. Josh’s BFF had a birthday earlier this week, so he’s headed over to his buddy’s house to celebrate tonight. Megan and her BFF share a birthday on Monday, so they’re starting the celebrations early. The plan is to have her friend’s party tonight and Megan’s party on Tuesday. I think they’re also trying to squeeze in a mutual celebration on Monday. See? Busy!

Have an amazing weekend!

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  1. We just finished our 3rd week of school because my daughter wanted to start early. This is probably a good thing because I go in for a medical test September 29 that will take 3-5 days. So we’re just going to take that week off rather than me leaving a bunch of things for her to do on her own or with her father.

  2. Happy Birthday to Megan! Celebrating with a friend – such fun! We start in November: 5 birthdays in 8 weeks…Busy times.

    We’re (still) wrapping up our sixth week of school. This was THE week that I knew was coming – so much other happening that competed with our regular school schedule, along with 3 cases of colds, 2 cases of poison ivy, and oral surgery for one of the teens. These weeks will happen, but there’s so much to be grateful for – especially the people that the busyness is about.

    Thanks for hosting. It’s great to join you here!

    1. Thanks, Karen. I think I would have loved sharing a birthday with my BFF when I was young. They seems to be having fun with it.

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