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5 Ways to Make Learning About Money Fun

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Learning about money is an essential life skill, but it can be confusing and boring. Try Sara’s tips to make learning about money FUN!

Written by Sara Jordan Panning of Heart and Soul Homeschooling

Learning about money is an essential life skill to teach your children. But our monetary system can be a little boring – and confusing. Help your kids grasp the concept of money during your homeschool lessons by making the process engaging.

5 Ways to Make Learning About Money Fun

As you plan out your homeschool curriculum, consider these five ways to make learning about money fun.

Play Store

One fun way to teach your kids about money is to make the lesson a practical one. Set up a toy store with your kid’s favorite toys or create a play grocery store using food from your pantry. Place price tags on each item, give your kids a handful of change, and send them shopping. Help them add up their selections and ask them to pay the total using the money you gave them.

You can pick up some play money at your local dollar store or purchase realistic play money if you don’t want to use real money.

Money Sort

Many young kids have a difficult time distinguishing between each type of coin. Make the process a little more fun by creating a money sorting game for your kids. Grab a handful of change and label four different bowls with penny, dime, quarter, and nickel. Then, have your kids sort through the pile of coins as quickly as they can.

Play a Game

Classic board games are another simple way to make learning about money fun. Monopoly or the Game of Life are both excellent ways to teach your kids about money while having fun. And families with younger kids can enjoy the Junior versions of these classic games while still learning about the value of a dollar.

Bonus: Kids often retain the lessons learned while playing games together as a family much more effectively, too!

5 Ways to Make Learning About Money Fun

Let Them Help

While you’re out and about running errands, let your kids help pay for items. Whether you ask them to add up the value of items in your cart or charge them with counting out the change after your purchase is complete, giving them a chance to use their knowledge in a real-world situation is a great way to make learning about money fun.

Give Them an Allowance

Teaching your kids financial literacy is as important as teaching them the value of the money we use. Consider giving them an allowance to help your kids learn about earning, spending, and saving. Allowing your children to take charge of their financial situation will make learning about the concepts of financial literacy easier to understand and a little more fun at the same time.

If you have a lot of change and would like to help them open a bank account, get coin wrappers and have the kids roll the coins to deposit. Rolling coins teaches kids not only about the money but its value as well. Taking responsibility for saving and spending teaches kids essential life skills.

How do you teach your kids about money?

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