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Weekly Weigh-In: The Happy Dance Edition!

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Weekly Weigh-In

It’s time for the Weekly Weigh-In…time for your accountability post!  Good, bad or ugly, the only way to make a change is to be honest with yourself about how you did.  Remember, you can leave your results in the comments or post about it and leave a link to your post.

So, did you notice the post title up there?  The whole “happy dance” thing?  I did it!!  I hit 50 lbs. lost removed this week!  My goal was to hit 50 lbs. by the Eclipse premiere.  I made it — more than a month early!  My new goal is 60 lbs. by the premiere.  I’ve got a little over a month to get there.  I may or may not make it, but it can’t hurt to try.

I lost a total of 1.4 lbs. this week — a little under my 2 lbs./week goal, but enough to put me at just over 50 lbs. lost and in the 160’s, a place I haven’t been in probably 11 years.  It’s a very exciting place to be!

Last Friday we went to our favorite pizza place — a place we haven’t visited much since I began working out and eating healthier.  As a matter of fact, it’s been so long our favorite manager couldn’t remember what we like to order.  She’s still our favorite manager though, because the first words out of her mouth were, “Wow!  You’ve lost a lot of weight.  How much have you lost?”

I’ve gotta admit, it’s nice being at the point where people notice that I’ve lost weight.  I love the comments and the compliments.  It makes those days when I start to feel like all I do is workout worth all the effort.  Then, of course, there is the fantastic way I feel.  I wish I’d done this ten years ago.

So, what about you?  How’d you do this week?

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Kris Bales is a newly-retired homeschool mom and the quirky, Christ-following, painfully honest founder (and former owner) of Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers. She has a pretty serious addiction to sweet tea and Words with Friends. Kris and her husband of over 30 years are parents to three amazing homeschool grads. They share their home with three dogs, two cats, a ball python, a bearded dragon, and seven birds.

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  1. I am SOOOO happy for you, Kris! And admiring of your effort and just continuing transformation.

    I know I'm your lurker friend on this blog (as opposed to Facebook, LOL), but it's because I've meant to lose weight so many times and failed. I kept stumbling and falling down and just didn't have the mindset that I needed to get this done. But I'm been following your journey and being inspired …

    So, I'm happy to report that today, at the beginning of this crazy journey to a healthier me, I've lost 5 pounds. It's been two weeks, but slow and steady, right? Plus, I've been exercising every morning and LOVING it. I'm re-discovering my inner runner. : )

    Thanks for the inspiration, hon!

  2. Vee, I started out as a lurker friend of my friend, Susan's journey for the same reasons — I'd tried so many times and failed and I didn't want to try and fail again. I watched for nearly a year as she lost weight. I was envious, but not ready to try and fail again.

    Then, I finally just started one day and here I am. Maybe you'll be the same way. Five pounds is awesome! And really, that's 2.5 lbs. a week, which is steady, but not so slow. One to two pounds a week is a good goal to shoot for.

    Way to go!

  3. Congratulations, Kris! That's awesome!

    Have you done a post on the BodyBugg? I really want one, but I want to make sure it's worth it before I spend that much money.

  4. Yes, Linda, I've done a post on the bodybugg. You can read it here.

    I love my bodybugg! I really don't think I'd have been as successful as I've been without it because with it I always know exactly where I stand as far as calories burned each day.

    I've just experienced my first real problem with it. The USB cable has malfunctioned. I started having problems with it on Monday and by Tuesday it wasn't working at all. The communication, via email, with customer service has been a bit slow, but, as of this afternoon (Friday), they are sending me a new USB cable and extending my website subscription for 2 months to compensate for the delay.

    Considering that it was time for me to renew my subscription, I am completely happy with the resolution of this first issue and happy that I can still wholeheartedly recommend the bodybugg. I'll be happy to try to answer any questions that you may have, based on my experience with the bodybugg.

  5. Kris,
    I am so excited for you!!! And inspired by your courage and transparency as well. Thank you for sharing your journey on this fabulous new blog.

    I have needed for so long to get in shape. Reading your story is such an encouragement to me.

    God's blessings as you continue your journey!

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