March 2019 Writing Prompt Calendar {FREE PRINTABLE}
Try our free writing prompts calendar for daily writing inspiration. Plus, check out our tips to help your student overcome the dreaded blank page and just get started writing.
“Just get started.” Three magic words from my college kid to you and yours about writing. I asked him this morning what tips he’d give someone who was struggling with writing.
He’s a man of many words. Ha!
He was an extremely reluctant writer when he was younger. You’d never know that now. He survived writing on my watch and then pushed through all those required essays in Comp I & II when he got to college. The length on some of those essays was enough to make me cringe. Just watching him get through them was painful, but he did it!
I got to thinking about his advice this morning. “Just get started.”
He’s right, ya know? Getting started really IS the hardest part. I struggle with this myself in my own writing endeavors. How many times have I sat up late at night looking at a blank white screen with nothing but a flashing cursor staring back at me? Too many to count!
Do your kids struggle getting started when writing?
Hopefully, our writing prompt calendars can help! Each month we’re sharing new writing prompts calendars for your crew.
The writing prompt calendar is an exclusive free download for Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers subscribers. If you’re already a subscriber, head to the subscriber freebies page and scroll down to Free Printables.
If you’re not a subscriber, sign up now for this and other freebies. We won’t spam you or sell your email address. We will send you updates when we publish new blog posts, and you can unsubscribe at any time.
The March writing prompts are suitable for all ages and cover topics such as:
- History of The Peace Corps
- Pi Day
- Alexander Graham Bell Day
- St. Patrick’s Day
- Fred Rodgers’ birthday
- Persuasive paragraph
- Imagery
Download the free March writing prompt calendar and post it on your fridge or in you schoolroom for a daily dose of writing inspiration.
Need more ways to get your kids writing?
5 Simple Ways to Get Started (When You’re Writing an Essay or Something Similar)
- Pick a topic that interests you. Writing about something you’re passionate is way easier than trying to squeeze words out of a dry idea. Pick something weird and wacky or use our calendar, of course!
- Start at the end. Or middle. Just don’t start with that introductory paragraph or the beginning. The beginning is the hardest part of anything, right? It’s new. Sometimes it’s the worst part of getting started so skip that part and come back to it later.
- Research. This step involves very little writing. If you’re my son, none at all! Read, click around, gather information about your subject. The writing and ideas will come naturally once you’ve steeped your mind on the topic.
- Use audio dictation. Having trouble getting words down on paper? Speak your thoughts into a voice memo. It’s like magic! It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, and no one even has to listen to it, but it’s a great way to get your thoughts out of your head without worrying about the mechanics of writing.
- Snap phone pics. Taking phone pic “notes” is one of my favorite writing hacks. I can usually remember what I was thinking if it’s attached to a picture. Maybe you can’t figure out the words at the moment but scroll your phone for inspiration later. I bet you’ll find it!
Want to see something in particular on the next calendar? Tell us! We’d also love to hear how you and your kids are using the writing prompts, so be sure to share your stories and pics in our Facebook group.
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Adrienne Bolton is a freelance writer and veteran homeschool mom. She began homeschooling in 2009 to meet the needs of her oldest son who struggled with the public school setting. Her boys have had different experiences with homeschooling, but both have thrived in spite of her. Her oldest son transitioned from public school after fourth grade and her youngest is 100% homegrown, having never stepped foot in a traditional classroom. Now with one son in college and one working his way through high school, she is proof anyone can do this. She writes with humor and heart, peppered with occasional snark and sarcasm. When she is not writing or working you can find her with a good book in hand, snuggling her massive Pitbull fur baby, or making something yummy in the kitchen. She loves to cook, bake, and be outdoors in the sunshine. The beach is her happy place and she's a true flip-flop wearing Florida girl. Connect with her on Instagram and Facebook.